Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stay the Distance!

It's been a while since my last blog. Mainly because I've been distracted by so much turmoil going on all around me. Which inspired me to write about it... Ha! I've been dealing with a lot of family issues and friends that are suffering. I don't regret taking the time to help a friend or take care of a crisis or two. But I realized that it was not only keeping me distracted enough to let my real estate investing go for a few weeks, in addition I found myself fighting depressing thoughts. Well, it didn't take me long to realize that I was so busy worrying about everyone else and trying to solve their problems I wasn't taking any time for myself, to charge my own batteries, so to speak. This is very important if you want to stay the distance, with anything you're pursuing. You can surely lose yourself amongst all the battles you fight throughout the day. Just remember to take time, even if it's just 5-10 minutes, to breathe, pray and renew your spirit for the next battle. Also carefully choose your battles wisely, only fight the battles where the spoils are worth it. I learned that from hearing a sermon just this past week from Joel Olsteen. That sermon was meant for me folks or maybe it was for you too.

To Your Success!


We Buy Houses; CA$H in 7 days!

Count Your Blessings!

My Real Estate Investing journey has been a long hard road. I've had my ups and downs like everyone else. Along my journey I've acquired specialized knowledge that has given me the privilege to help others along the way. Every day I work through my fears and challenges brings me one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming financially free. Although I keep my vision of that future in my head and reminders of all over my walls, I still have to remind myself to count my blessings each day. Instead of focusing on what I don't have, like courage, money, credit, not enough business knowledge, the economy is bad, the market is down, etc. I call this (don't have) my liability list, so for each liability I started another list. My (do have) asset list; I do have a brain, I do know how to research, I do know how to study, I do know how to build rapport, I do live in America the land of opportunity, everyone needs a house to live in, I do have the knowledge to do this, etc. I'm happy to say that the do list is now bigger than the don't list.
By focusing on what I do have I realized I really do have a lot to be thankful for and that I need to start counting my blessings every day... Like having a nice home for my family, a safe place to live, a comfortable bed to sleep in, my children and I are healthy and happy, my bills are paid, my lights are on, I have a reliable vehicle to drive, there's food on the table, my job, my Dean Graziosi family, etc. So every morning now I start my day with a smile on my face and say at least 10 things I'm grateful for. I started at 10 but the list keeps getting bigger and bigger... Funny, how that worked out. So if you're focusing on what you DON'T have instead of what you DO have you'll keep attracting that. Stop and turn your focus on what you do have, start counting your blessings and see what kind of change it has on your life!

To Your Success!


We Buy Houses; CA$H in 7 days!